A very versatile personalized object, the advertising mug is one of the most popular gifts offered by companies. Why ? Its long life gives it a communicative power over time, its large customization surface allows you to affix any type of visual. The personalized mug is above all a mobile communication medium. Mobile within the company itself but also outside : on the move, on the weekend, at home... your brand image travels to the rhythm of your advertising mug. Find out here how to get one.
Choose the mug
Very simply, porcelain is a fine, hard-paste ceramic. Its white color comes from one of its components, kaolin, which whitens when cooked and is ideal for a French coffee mug. The word ceramic comes from keramos, which means clay. Ceramic is a family of materials including : terracotta, earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. The difference between these elements lies in the composition of the paste, the glaze and the firing temperature.
We can differentiate between two types of ceramics : porous bodies such as earthenware and terracotta and impermeable bodies such as porcelain and stoneware. But then what is the difference between a porcelain mug and a ceramic mug ? The distinction is one of longevity : porous ceramics like earthenware will be less resistant to the test of time than porcelain. The choice of your mug will therefore depend on what your objective is.
Personalize the mug
Once the type of mug has been chosen, it's time to think about the best method of personalization. Products, services and logos are most often printed on your promotional mugs, but the latest trend is naming ! For advertising mugs, it is sublimation that holds the dragee high. It is perfect for colors and shine and allows a very realistic photo impression.
Attention, it is necessary to favor white or clear mugs for a better rendering. It is possible to make name markings with this technique. Another method of marking is direct printing. This method consists of printing the ink directly on the mug. Its main advantage is its short production time as well as its low cost.